Saturday, March 12, 2011

Please anybody tell me what I can do about this surgery that happen to me and the abusive I received?

I went in at a hospital that will admit they only do minor surgery so I rested asure that if anything happen I be transfered to advanced hospital, and in no way did I give informed consent for this type surgery or either was I ever told that this could even be a possiability to even be a slight chance of happening especially at this hospital that says they only do minor surgery because thats all there able to handle due to there recources they are available to them. I went in for removal glabladder and even mother was in waiting room right out side that I got down as emergecy contact in case emergecy he failed even to get her approval it not like he had to make a split second decision nor my life was in no danger at all clearly thats in my records.when came to in hospital I had a 15 inch cut not 15 staples 15 inch cut and this was a glabladder surgery the surgeon says he had to do open surgery because of adhesion he should could have stopped with a small 3 inch incision that laparscopy was used then that gave me my only chance to make informed decision on with the facts and risk.but this surgeon went ahead made decision to do major surgery on me thats changed my life for ever and has done damage to not only one part body but severtal am 41 years old he cut my vagus nerve also my family doctor had took exray of my liver before surgery and then after surgery put them side by side before surgery the liver was clear after surgery even I see that they was a scar on liver about 3 inches long and about week later devolp a cyst on liver 7.9 cm due to this also after the surgery he gave me wrong kind of medication pain medication that was given in shot form that hit me all one time causeing me to halicate badly 2 out ever 4 hours for 5 days had 4 different nurses 2 different doctors and all them seen the effects the pain shots was doing to me should have none of all these people seen that I was not getting enough oxygen to brain causeing me halicate and was completly out my mind and I was not able to tell nobody that something was bad wrong resulting in passive atelcatisis thats was not on chest exray before the surgery I was not even told about this much less treated for it and the same amounts massive amounts of pain medication 75 to 100 demiral with 25 and 50 mg of phengition together.this went on for 5 days even own first day I halicateing so badly I ripped out both Iv out both arms blood all over room bed they came in cleaned up but failed to change medication even after this so I lay there for 5 day night day out my mind from this and at same time the damage to lungs from not being able breath deep enough to produce enough oxygen to brain lungs heart and first day atelcatisis showed up on exray but surgeron or hospital doctor or any of 4 differnt nurses all the different medical people takeing blood doing test all seen me in this condition and did nothing to help me so I left in room suffering so bad not able eat drink at all also on ct scan showed that had several loops in colon filled with filled with fluild 4.9 cm says if over 3 cm consiter dilated ever what that means on this problem not for sure what dilated means but not only did not get treated for this I was not even told about it found it out in my hospital records that was not filled out by the surgeon did the surgery it was from the hospital doctor so he abdon me turning me over to hospital doctor after this major surgery and the hospital doctor did not does not have no experience in what to look for after a major surgery like this something he might think was not important the surgeon if was told about it might seen this could been something real serious when hospital doctor only thought minor problem not worth mention to nobody I devolp fever right away after surgery fever no less that 101.3 wbc of 24,000 infection in lungs so much fluild inform loops in colon several them they did nothing to help this or even tell me about it also had to find all this out in records and all records was typed out by the hospital doctor not the surgeron that did the surgery on me so not even sure what information he evn given about all these condition resulting in me being the sickest on 5 day than was the whole 5 days in hospital not tolerateing nothing no food no water nothing at all seateing running down my back haveing cold chills so bad even I feezing or buring up to top off this surgeron dismised me with ne less than 101.3 fever wbc of 16,000 infection in lungs so much fluild in colon filled with fluild several them 4.9 cm says if over 3 cm its concired dilated not sure what dilated means about this condition but says if dilated need to be trained to prevent it from causeing damage to other organs as it did causeing damage to liver putting so much pressure on liver it caused it to tire all this I got records before the surgery that says my lungs was clear no fluild incolon filled with fluild inseveral loops 4.9 cm putting pressure on all organs of stomach d

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