Thursday, March 10, 2011

Would you support a radical change in our system?

In the 1930's a group of scientist called the Technical Alliance came up with a social design called technocracy, and they proposed that the entire North American Continent become one together with the islands of the Caribbean, Central America, and parts of South America they called this one nation The North American Technate, the reason for this is that the North American continent counted with so many natural resources that if well managed they could probide the highest standard of living to every citizen of the technate. To do this our current monetary system has to be replace with an energy accounting system, and every citizen ,regardless of their occupation, would receive the same amount of purchasing power with things called energy certificates which would be given to every citizen from birth to their death. Althought this might sound like communism, it differs from it and every other system in existance, because no longer would the tecnical decision of the nation will be made by politics but rather a scientific method, and thus politics will no longer exist as we know them. Not only will this social design probide the highest standard of living given the circumstances but it will asure our survival as a civilization in this planet. And no this system will not control the decision of its citizens or deny them any rights in fact, citizens in a technocratic society would have more freedom than ever before.So my question is would you support this system?

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